

Monday, March 9, 2020

Award of the Queen and King's Favour - Augusta Weyfare

Now that I’m done my research paper for A&S, I would like to share a scroll wording that was used last weekend.  A very talented scribe by the name of Alais wanted to use an English pamphlet decrying witchcraft from 1579 for inspiration of illumination.  This has great stuff that can be used for the wording of the scroll.  After a preface to the reader condemning the practice of witchcraft and advising the avoidance and prosecution of witches, the pamphlet gives an account of the doings of Elizabeth Stile.

The stilted, late period wording that we used for inspiration from the original document is bolded below.  If you would like to read the original pamphlet (which is quite extensive, please click on the link.


And just for fun, ten points to the person who contacts me with the correct answer to where the Blackadder reference has been added. :)

Herein is the true examination and trial of Augusta Weyfare, alias Augusta Wordcraft, alias Augusta Pigmenthand, alias Augusta Crownshadow uttered at the Break the Back of Winter, in the court of Greyfells on the 7th day of March, Anno Societatis LIV, immediately after her summons and detainment in the presence of Kaylah Queen and Trumbrand King.

Augusta Weyfare, late of Ben Dunfirth, scribe, in the last half score of years, has been discovered to be presumptuously setting forth the word of the Crown, setting hand to paper, and has even on occasion been known to have set her hand on the great seal of the kingdom to make these documents appear legal and binding.  Having examined her works, and interviewing numerous witnesses be they royal peers, heralds, the Privy Seal, signets, couriers, nobles, and scribes gives undeniable proof that she is in fact engaged in some unknown witchcraft, as no one could manually scribe so many writs, letters and scrolls lest they give up all attempt at sleep, or were possessed by some manic spirit.

Therefore, her deeds being undeniable, she is committed to receiving from the hand of the Crown the sign and letter of the Queen’s Favour, and as well the mark and word of the King’s Favour, for regardless of how this came to be, Ealdormere is the greater for it, but future monarchs, grudging scribes, nearsighted heralds, witchsmellers, and other zealous individuals may not be as understanding as our glorious monarchs of Ealdormere this day, and she may use this writ and protection and proof in future trials.

Kaylah                 Trumbrand

Cheerfully slaving for my feudal masters,

Brand, Barenwalde