I offered to share some details regarding my research into elements of an early-period Coronation ceremony.
I started with some basic reading on wikipedia -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_coronations_in_Norway
Then I went on to find some books that covered in depth scandinavian and german coronations. Here is a post of the research details I found in one book ...
Coronations, by Janos M Bak.
This book details a number of details regarding coronations in different countries, but I found a number of items specifically regarding Danish and Norwegian ceremonies.
* During the danish coronation, the Danish king's ceremony involved `swinging the sword in the cardinal directions` of the kingdom, and handing the sword to the marshal. The king also received the sceptre and orb from the kingdom councillors, swore his oath, and then returned them to the each councillor in charge of it.
* The Swedish coronation oath, recorded for the first time at this occasion, consists of the first part of the professio known from the German ordo. One may assume that the medieval Swedish ordo contained the entire text and was, therefore, identical with the medieval Danish one. Gustavus Wasa quite consciously halved the text. In this way he retained only a general promise of lex, iustitia , and pax to the church and his people. The latter half would have bound him specifically to observe the honor, rights, and privileges of clergy and church, of abbots and of counts as vassals, whose counsel he would also have promised to follow.
*The king, at this time still unmarried, was received at the church door by the bishops, wearing their pallia . After greeting and prayers he was led to the altar while a reponsorium is sung.